Grocery Delivery

Grocery Delivery

We provide a grocery delivery service for Richmond residents who are unable to collect food for themselves due to long-term disability, injury, or illness. Recipients receive 2-3 days worth of groceries including bread and fresh produce. Please note that dairy items and perishable protein are not included in home delivery hampers. 

While anyone living in Richmond going through financial difficulty is eligible for grocery assistance, we require a doctor’s note or letter from a social worker to access our home delivery program. Doctor’s notes or letters from social workers can be scanned or photographed and emailed to us at

Client Requirements:

  • Medically home bound status for all household members
  • No proxy available to assist (family, friend, neighbor, etc.)

Contents of Doctor’s Note or Social Worker’s Referral Letter:

  • Reason for Home Bound Status: Include details of the diagnosis leading to home bound status.
  • Duration: Specify the expected duration of the home bound status.
  • Confirmation of Home Bound Status: Written confirmation from the doctor or social worker verifying the home bound status.
  • Confirmation of No Proxy Available: Verification that no proxy (family, friend, neighbor, etc.) is available to assist.

If you need food and you cannot come to the Richmond Food Bank yourself:

  • Please try to have a family or household member pick up for you. If you are picking up food for someone else, please bring their official ID (or letter of permission along with another identifying document) with you when you visit the food bank. Call us with any questions or concerns: 604-271-5609
  • If you cannot arrange for someone to pick up your food, please call us to discuss options: 604-271-5609